Saturday, October 12, 2013

Fall Bulletin Boards

My school started August 7th.  This is pretty early.  I have already had three bulletin boards since the beginning of the year. I thought I would put them here and then I can pin them.  I love to look at bulletin boards for ideas.  I have 2 in my room and 1 in the hall at school.  Also, Hannah and I work on the two at church.  I am preparing to hand off the church boards to Hannah and I will just supervise. :)

So here was a picture of my welcome board for the first several weeks of school.

I had footballs with lines in the center for them to write a goal for the first 9 weeks.  Here is the board with the goals written and added.

In the center section, I had a Bible verse and then I put clip art representing the different subjects (math, computer, art, science, etc) scattered around the board.

The words are printed off a font which shows the lines.

Next time I think I would put each picture on black background and also I would not put so much space between the words.  Words in the center and pictures around edges. 

I left one section of the board for copies of the my weekly newsletter, the school newsletter, and other posters.  Hannah hand drew the letters to look like crayons for me. It went with my door decoration. 
Each child decorated their own crayon
on Meet the Teacher Night.

I had taken both the football and the Bible verse sides down and displayed our Tall Tales and 9 attributes of God on the board but I missed getting a picture of them.

Here is the latest bulletin board.  I am think the background colors can stay through Thanksgiving. :)

At the top is a poem about falling leaves.
Then I used pre-cut letters on the outside of the board. Here is the poem close up.

For my news section, Sarah used clip art pumpkins which she colored and pre-cut gold letters.

Here is the view from the other direction.  I think I will have to add some more brown at the top for a branch.  Hannah was running out of steam and patience. :)  Do you see the cute owl?

The art work was done by my students.  I told them to write poems about anything fall.  I had shared various poems and most ended up writing about pumpkins. They did the art work on their own as well.

I thought I would show close up the border.  I used crepe paper and folded and stapled.  It is pretty time consuming but very cute.  I was complimented several times on it before I had put anything else on the board. 

Well I hope that was enjoyable and inspiring for others!

Happy Fall!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Father's Day Challenge: Week Three Report

I am a bit behind in reporting.  Have I been too busy?  Well, yes, but I was also afraid to step on the scale! :)  

Life happens sometimes like visiting family and baking daughters. The diet and exercise plan went out the window.  At those times it is hard to post about it.  I don't want to admit that I give in to my flesh.  I don't want to admit that I do that which I don't want to do.  Oh, I am weak.  

Hannah cutting out the insides to fill with icing.  Yummy!

Hannah's finished cupcakes up close.

Hannah with the finished cupcakes.

Sarah's cupcakes up close.  Can you read "spring time?"

Sarah with her cupcakes. 

Now, I didn't go totally over board and eat three of my daughters' cupcakes in one day.  Well, okay, yes I did.  But I also tried to keep other parts of my goal.  Does it make it better that I wasn't as bad as I really wanted to be?  Yeah, probably not. 

Well, either way, I determined to give my all this week.  I am not subbing anymore of course since public school is out.  We are finishing up our last two weeks of 7th, 4th and 1st grade here so I have a little more time to devote to exercise.  

In two days, I have biked 30 miles and walked 3.5.  I have also worked out with weights each day.  I weighed this morning and I was down 2 more pounds for a three week loss of 12 pounds.  So I am nearly half way to my goal of 25 pounds lost.  With only 12 days left, I am trying to make the most of everyday!

Thanks again for keeping me in your prayers.  

Can't really have a post without showing my other two sweet girls, so here is what the younger two were doing during the baking.
They were playing Wii. :)

I also missed getting a picture of Aunt Leah's birthday cake but the girls really had fun making it even if they were late. It looked like this one only the candy was Reese's Pieces and a white bow.

With All My Heart~